Lana Rae Way

Think on this.....Choose to be Happy.
I was asked by a close friend if the blogs I will write will be flowery and positive all the time OR will they be real and sometimes gritty.
Wow, great question Sandy.
Hmmmm, answered her as such....(to the best of my recollection.)
"I hope to be real and gritty.  I'll try to write the truth the best I can, but I do tend to be a glass half FULL type personality.  So my writings will reflect this."
So, pondering her question further, My writings will show my truth with a spin on the silver lining.  Sometimes flowery and sometimes gritty.
I think, sometimes, I understand situations differently, seemingly searching for the alternate reason for my reality, for the lesson to be learned in order that I may grow and even alter course if it presents itself the better choice.  Maybe even have the ability to perceive things as they happen from a 3rd person perspective which may allow my perceptions to be clear quicker.    Who really knows...but this question lead to much contemplation in the last few days.
Although the journey ahead may not be paved smoothly - I look forward to interpreting the events for you in the best 'Lana Rae way' I know how.  Reality is Truth in how we perceive it.   I will bring my truth to you for as long as you want to read it.

Choose to be Happy.  
May be hard to do, but practice makes it easier.

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