Monday, May 4, 2015


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From my experience I see a distinct difference between how I have come to know my path and how one of my closest friends found their path.

Being in awe and very amenable to my friend's journey, I have come to know my own experience, and that my own journey has an origin of a different essence. 

At the time, It did not take long to see our journey's forward intent was similar, yet largely different in origin.  Her depth of searching so inspired me, yet there were times...although I understood her every deep word and vision, felt I was not on the same stance.  Not that I minded at the time.  I just could not figure out why I felt my journey was different.

Upon reflecting at our years of discussion and outlooks, that is when it dawned on me.  Our life reasoning's that gave us this desire to find deeper connections grew from different bases.

- Hers was finding/searching for something she never experienced
- Mine was a re-acquaintance of a known solid foundation

These are both valuable and admirable bases for journeys.  It does not mean the searching or re-acquainting reasons of the journey is swirled through the whole journey, it's just the origin.  It gives a base to grow your purpose and grow your thoughts from.

What is the Origin of your spiritual journey?